Friday, May 2, 2014

how to avoid gray hair

Gray Hair
Natural Remedies for Gray Hair
Melanin is responsible for giving color to the hair and due to the lack of it, the hair starts to grey. Grey hair in old days was the sign of reaching mid life or starting with old age. But in today’s times, young adults have begun to gray prematurely despite taking diet supplements.
There is good news for people looking to get their hair color back. Given below are some of the best natural remedies to cure grey hair. These need to be done diligently and patiently for some months for the results to be visible. Continued use will provide long-lasting results. Older people can try these to reverse the signs of greying, and the youngsters can benefit by preventing premature greying, or delay the process when one starts seeing the first sign.
1.            Take 100 gms of curd. Add about 1 gm of black pepper to it. Mix it well and apply it evenly on the from root to tip. Keep it for an hour and then wash with warm water and mild shampoo. Do this treatment once a week to see the remarkable difference in the texture and colour of your hair. Your hair will become silkier and regular use will also make the hair dandruff-free. Curd helps in curing dandruff and making them softer while black pepper helps turn the hair black. So one recipe gives 3 benefits – a) dandruff-free hair b) soft and silky tresses and c) black hair. Doing this once a week helps in maintaining the colour and delaying greying to a great extent. This recipe should be avoided by people who have a tendency to catch frequent colds and coughs. Curd causes a cooling effect on the head and this may worsen a cold situation.
2.            Rubbing your left and right hand nails with each other is a splendid way to cure hair fall, increase growth and get back the lost color. The beauty of the method lies in its simplicity and the fact that it is free, needs very little time and has absolutely no side-effects. Follow this method regularly to bring back lost colour. The new hairs that grows back is also colored and not white. You need to fold both your palms inwards and place the fingernails of both hands against each other. Then with regular swift motions, rub them against each other. This rubbing procedure increases the blood flow to the scalp and helps in strengthening the roots. It is simple and can be done anywhere anytime. Do it for about 5-7 minutes twice a day. It is tried and tested and is guaranteed to show results. It is well popularized by naturopaths and ayurvedic experts in India. You need to be patient though. You will begin to notice a difference in about a month and by the end of 6 months you will see remarkable improvements in your tresses making you look younger.
3.            Mix sesame oil or olive oil in juice of bottle gourd and apply to hair. This helps make them long, black, thick and shiny. This helps prevent gray hair and thinning and is very beneficial for the overall health of your tresses.
4.            Prepare a paste of gooseberries and mango seeds. Apply this onto the hair and scalp and leave on for a little while before washing off. When done at regular intervals, this is an effective grey hair treatment.
5.            Boil tea leaves in water. Strain and let it cool down. Mix two teaspoonfuls of salt into it and apply to hair and scalp. Wash after an hour with plain water. This process when done once in 10 days can prevent gray hair.
6.            Prepare a paste of henna in an iron vessel and leave overnight. Also add some walnut pulp in the morning. Apply this on the hair and make a neat bun. Leave for 1 – 2 hours or till it dries. Gently and carefully wash off. Apart from preventing early greying, it also adds a beautiful red tinge to the hair. It is completely natural and harmless. It also conditions them.

Try some or most of the tips described above. It is sure to help reduce premature greying, as well as gray hair in older people. For more comprehensive solutions, read this eBook. The book will help you figure out the various causes of graying, which of them applies to you, and how to combat the underlying triggers and reverse the situation. If you utilize a solution specific to your condition, you are bound to see faster results. Read the eBook, and apply the remedies diligently over a period of months for best results.
Grey Hair Cause, Treatment & Prevention
There could be a lot of reasons for early onset of greying of hair, much before the onset of aging. One reason could be stress and tension. As you age your body’s capacity to produce the pigment melanin (that gives the skin and hair its olor) decreases and they turn white. Smoking is also one of the reasons for gray hair during early years. Certain medical illnesses or health problems can also lead to graying or premature aging of hair. Some drugs  or use of hydrogen peroxide can also lead to change of hair colour.
Apart from temporary cosmetic treatments like dyeing and colouring, you can try the natural methods outlined above for gray hair treatment. The effect of dyes will last for about a month, while permanent hair colour will last a few months. In both cases, the new hair growth after the treatment will be white, making touch-ups necessary. In either case, repeated application will lead to side effects and thus aren’t a very healthy alternative.
Prevention of greying is a difficult issue to handle as gray hair is caused by a lot of factors. Grey hair due to age or heredity is beyond our control. By doing things like taking good care of our health, avoiding harmful chemical products, eating a healthy diet with nutritious food, taking vitamin supplements if required, avoiding stress, and having good sleeping habits every day we could delay the onset.
If you have any news, tips, home remedy or solution for premature greying that we haven’t covered on this page, please let us know about it and we will print it on the page with full attribution to you.
Home remedies for treating grey hair:
1.            Eat foods rich in iodine such as banana, carrots and fish.
2.            Drink butter milk with 2 teaspoons each of yeast and wheat germ will prevent and cure                   premature graying of hair.
3.            Grate some fresh ginger. Mix with honey and place it in a jar. Eat 1 tea spoon every day.
4.            Rub oil made with Indian gooseberry (Amla) into the scalp regularly. It can show wonderful results, your gray hair will turn black.
5.            Every morning take palak juice and eat 10 curry leaves which works excellently, even the existing grey hair turn black from the roots.
6.            Eat foods rich in iron, minerals and vitamin A and B.
a)            Vitamin A - vitamin A is necessary for promoting a healthy scalp and gives body and glow to your hair. Include dark green vegetables and orange & yellow fruits & vegetables in your diet.
b)            Vitamin B - vitamin B regulates the secretion of oil, keeps hair healthy & moisturized. Eat more of fresh green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cauliflower, cereals, liver kidney, yogurt, bananas and green vegetables.
c)            Minerals - minerals like zinc, iron & copper promote healthy hair. Food sources: zinc - red meat, chicken & green vegetables; iron - beef, dried apricots, red meat, parsley, eggs, wheat & sunflower seeds; copper - seafood, egg yolk & whole grains.
d)            Proteins - consuming more of protein gives your hair natural shine and good texture. Include more of sprouted whole grains, cereals, meat and soy in your diet.

Some facts about hair
a)            The average daily loss of hair on the scalp is between fifty to hundred hairs. If the loss is over hundred daily, hair loss will exceed replacement, and eventually you become bald.
b)            Hair growth is fastest from the age of sixteen to the late twenties. New hairs grow faster and the growth rate slows down with the increasing length
c)            The average number of hairs on the scalp of an adult is 100,000. to 140,000.
d)            The hair is affected by the state of the nervous system and by the condition of the circulatory system. As such it is very much interrelated to the functioning of the entire human organism: body, mind and emotions. When you ponder on the opulence of the nerve and blood supply to the head, you will have no difficulty appreciating that whatever adversely affects them, will in the long term, be to the detriment of the hair.

Homeopathy in treating premature hair graying
        Homeopathic treatment for those who suffer from the premature hair graying can be a big boon.
        Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine. This means that homeopathy treats the body as a whole. Detailed mental and physical symptoms of the whole being are taken into consideration while prescribing. This form of homeopathic treatment is called as constitutional treatment.
        There are several homoeopathic remedies which give great result in premature gray hair. However, the correct choice and the resulting relief is a matter of experience and right judgment on the part of the homeopathic doctor. The treatment is decided after thorough case taking of the patient.
Types of hair in different miasam
1.     It is dry tangles easily, has to comb by wetting the comb each time while combing
2.     Dry scalp with itching
3.     Lusterless, matted hair, angles easily
4.     Scalp--dry, rarely perspires
5.     Hair fall mostly in front, crown & on the top of head
6.     Hair fall after a/c illness
7.     Premature graying of hair--esp midline
1.     It is greasy but non tangling
2.     Fishy odor of scalp, excess perspiration
3.     Moist scalp with fishy odor
4.     Premature graying
5.     Hair fall in circular patches
1.     It is greasy but tangles easily
2.     Greasy hair+++
3.     Hair fall in bunches
4.     Fetid, oily & sour smelling
5.     Hair matters together

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